Tudalennau wedi'u tagio "Arolygon Barn"
Gydag annibyniaeth i Gymru yn fwy poblogaidd nag erioed nid yw'n ymgyrch ymylol mwyach
The highest level of support yet recorded for Welsh independence is among the stand out findings from the latest Welsh Political Barometer poll.
Darllen mwyCefnogaeth am annibyniaeth i fyny ym Mhôl Dydd Gwyl Dewi - cefnogaeth diddymu'r Senedd yn fflat
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
Support for Welsh independence has risen again in the latest yearly St. David’s Day Poll, with 11% supporting independence in a multi-option question compared to just 7% last year.
Darllen mwyCefnogaeth am annibyniaeth i Gymru i fyny 5% mewn arolwg barn gan YouGov
There has been a 5% increase in support for independence since the General Election, according to a YouGov poll published tonight.
Darllen mwyMae Cymru wedi deffro i annibyniaeth - felly mae ymgyrch ein bywydau yn cychwyn nawr
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
Yesterday, the Welsh independence movement firmly moved from the margins and into the mainstream.
Darllen mwyMae San Steffan gelyniaethus yn deffro Cymru i annibyniaeth - a fydd Llafur Cymru yn deffro hefyd?
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
I’ve purposefully waited to write this article until now.
Until Roger Awan-Scullly’s latest poll showing Labour in second place in Assembly and Westminster voting intentions, until Boris’ ‘tour’ and creation of a ‘Minister of the Union’ (or is it ‘for’ the union…his spokespeople don’t seem to know the difference); until our First Minister had had a chance to meet with the reality of where we are.
Darllen mwy
Ennill y ddadl economaidd yw'r allwedd i annibyniaeth i Gymru
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
As one of the founder members of YesCymru Aberystwyth, I have had dozens if not hundreds of conversations with people about independence.
With friends, family members, work colleagues and strangers; Particularly on street stalls which we have held over the last year and a half since we set up our group campaigning for independence.
In almost every conversation I’ve had about independence the question of affordability is cited as the reason why Wales can’t become independent.
Darllen mwy