Tudalennau wedi'u tagio "Y Mudiad Annibyniaeth"
O amau annibyniaeth i frwdfrydedd dros annibyniaeth: Beth newidiodd fy meddwl ar annibyniaeth i Gymru?
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
Last month I joined YesCymru, the grassroots campaign for Welsh independence. An act hardly worthy of an article, you might say: after all, YesCymru’s membership has grown prodigiously in recent times to over 5,000 members.
Darllen mwyGydag annibyniaeth i Gymru yn fwy poblogaidd nag erioed nid yw'n ymgyrch ymylol mwyach
The highest level of support yet recorded for Welsh independence is among the stand out findings from the latest Welsh Political Barometer poll.
Darllen mwyCefnogaeth am annibyniaeth i Gymru i fyny 5% mewn arolwg barn gan YouGov
There has been a 5% increase in support for independence since the General Election, according to a YouGov poll published tonight.
Having grown up in the 80’s and 90’s with family in the Rhondda, it was very apparent how post-industrial decline affected the communities of the Valleys. So watching the then Welsh Secretary John Redwood in 1995, announce proudly how he had returned a part of the Welsh Office block grant back to the UK Treasury in the name of thrift and good governance marked a low point in what was a particularly dismal period in office.
Darllen mwyMae gorymdaith annibyniaeth Merthyr yn gyfle i greu Cymru newydd
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
Today, thousands of us will march in Merthyr calling for Wales’ independence and the symbolism and significance of this cannot be understated.
Darllen mwyYesCymru yn mynd o nerth i nerth wrth i'r gefnogaeth dros annibyniaeth dyfu
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
It’s been an extraordinary year so far for campaigners for Welsh independence. The first march for independence took place in Cardiff in May and attracted over 3,000 participants, drawing media attention far beyond Wales. Eleven town and community councils have voted to back independence and in July, Gwynedd County Council became the first local authority in Wales to vote in favour of an independent Wales with 42 councillors in favour, four against, and five abstaining.
Darllen mwy
Beth mae Annibyniaeth yn ei olygu, beth bynnag?
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
If you’re reading this, you’re either curious about independence or one of the faithful. Stop and ask yourselves, “How do we define independence for other people?”
Darllen mwyEnnill y ddadl economaidd yw'r allwedd i annibyniaeth i Gymru
Erthygl wreiddiol yn yr iaith Saesneg.
As one of the founder members of YesCymru Aberystwyth, I have had dozens if not hundreds of conversations with people about independence.
With friends, family members, work colleagues and strangers; Particularly on street stalls which we have held over the last year and a half since we set up our group campaigning for independence.
In almost every conversation I’ve had about independence the question of affordability is cited as the reason why Wales can’t become independent.
Darllen mwy